Request Statuses

Once you submit a request, you will notice that next to each request will be a coloured box, with the status of the request within.

Rest assured, we will be emailing you throughout the duration of each of your requests, if we need anything from you.

The statuses are as follows:

  • New Request / Backlog
    • These are all new requests  / your backlog of requests that are yet to be completed.
  • In Review
    • This is/are the request/requests that are being reviewed by our team to ensure that we have all of the information and context required to deliver.
  • Further Information Required
    • Our team has reviewed your request, however, needs more information and context before proceeding with the work. In this case, we will contact you as soon as possible to get this information from you.
  • In Progress
    • Your request has been approved and our team are working on it!
  • Awaiting Feedback
    • We have completed the request and await your feedback. If there are further requirements or changes, we will move it back to the "In Progress" status, otherwise, if you are happy, we move it to the "Completed" status.
  • Completed
    • The request has been signed off and we move onto the next one you have. The request is officially closed.